Donate your vehicle to help build homes.

How to Donate your Car in three easy steps:

  1. Click Here to go to our donation wizard or call 1-877-277-4344
  2. Provide your vehicle information and contact information
  3. Schedule your car to be picked up
[vc_mad_blockquotes style=”with-bg-2″ description=”Connor M” info=”Hartford, CT”]I could not believe I could donate my junk car and help Habitat for Humanity. It had been in an accident but you still towed my car away quickly and easily![/vc_mad_blockquotes]

Need help? email us at or call 1-877-277-4344

[vc_mad_btn title=”Donate your car today” style=”btn-style-4″ size=”btn-medium” align=”cp-center” icon=”licon-register” link=”|||”]